Youth Exchange in Lithuania
Title: “TheoryYES”
Place: Labanoras regional park, Lithuania
Date: 01/05 –10/05/2023
• 01.05.2023 is an arrival day
• 10.05.2023 is a departure day
Participants: 30 young people+8 leaders, 18-30 years old
(no age limit for a leader)
Slovakia(STEP – Society for territorial progress)
Bulgaria(Mladejki centar za razvitie-Vzaimopomosht)
Poland(Stowarzyszenie “Grupa Dzialania”).
About the project
The main topics of the project „TheoryYES” are mental health, physical inactivity, self-development,
and methods to improve the quality of topics mentioned before. During the project, we will
implement new tools and methods how to enrich our and other people around us lives. In addition,
people will learn more about the main topics, and at the same time, they will learn and improve their
8-key competencies. The unconscious topic of the project by its own name is to seek discomfort by
saying YES more often. In this way, people will learn something about themselves or their
surroundings every day.
During the 8-day program mobility, participants will be included in different workshops and activities
relevant to the main subject matter of the project. The facilitators’ team will use unique nonformal
learning methods adequate to the project topic and the profile of participants.