The 15th anniversary of YDCMA arrives with two new projects

The name of our organization alone shows what we have stood for the past 15 years and what we continue to stand for today – mutual aid. We think that our name sounds even better next to “European solidarity Corps”. On of their main goals is to contribute to the development of young people, by helping them develop their physical, creative and spiritual qualities so that they can become better citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria and the EU. That’s why in the eve of our anniversary we created the project “Mutual aid” under which four volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps will spend 10 months in Kazanlak.
Solidarity is a feeling of unity, based on common interests, goals and preferences among people. By organizing events with the help of the municipal library “Iskra” we can create a feeling of unity and closeness for our youth and encourage them to work with others in pursuit of positive change. Feeling like you belong in a community es essential whether the community is the nation of a country or something bigger like the European nation. The volunteers will also help with the activities revolving around Eco festival 2019 Kazanlak.
YDCMA has also won a project that aims to educate young workers from the Erasmus + program. The project “First aid kit” will take place between the 5th and the 14th of April 2019 at Varhovrah (close to Perushtitsa). 30 participants from Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Spain will take part. The project aims to develop various skills and competencies of the youth workers related to first aid, risk management and crisis management. Three skilled teachers are going to present these topics and help the participants improve their skills through informal education. After the course ends the youngsters will know how to better protect the people they work with on a daily basis, how to prevent risky situations and how to educate the members of their organizations on these topics. Part of the results will be a short movie and an online platform that will be popularized by the participants’ organizations in their countries.