Volunteers from 12 countries gathered in Estonia
The training course took place in Roosta, near Haapsalu between the 2nd and 11th of December. The event was organised by „Noored Ühiskonna Heaks“ and Bulgaria was represented by „Youth developement center – Mutual aid“ with two people.
The theme of the course was “How to use policies in a positive and attractive way”. There were 28 participants in total from 12 countries – Bulgaria, Romania, The Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Greece, Italy and Slovakia. The course was based on the idea of informal teaching and included different activities like writing a manifest, making a short video that carries a message, dividing into groups and working on varying cases as well as playing games based on the idea of protecting policies.
The theme that our participants worked on was environment with a focus on the excessive consumption of plastic bottles. The volunteers from Portugal, Spain and Romania were impressed as our orgnisation had 10 years of prior experience in the field. The final product of their project was the creation of a page on Facebook that gives information on the subject as well as the goals of the project and who participated. The volunteers learned to promote and apply policies not only when it comes to recycling. They also worked on the European policies on integration, migration and transport.
During the project they had to create a concept for possible future activities related to it. For this task they were again divided into groups. One of the best ideas was to make a timetable for all of the future stages of the project. Our group of volunteers will spread the word about the project on our website as well as on other different types of media here in Kazanlak.
Another interesting event during the training course were the Nights of culture. There with the help of presentations, food, drinks and games the participants had the chance to show what was typical for their countries. Furthermore in other to get to know the culture of Estonia better they visited many of Talin’s libraries. They met with representatives of the Estonian organisation part of the European Youth Forum and with a very young politician, who is the secretary of a party only at the age of 23.
Our group managed to take a lot of pictures on their way to Estonia. They passed through Serbia, Hungarym The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. They will prepare a few thematical exhibitions on our website theyouth.info. Before they left from Sofia they even went to The Boyana church and filmed there also.