THE YOUTH is a space to inform and empower young people in Bulgaria and across Europe.
An open platform to make visible good practices in youth politics, culture & creativity and ecology fields. Our aim is to inspire change through volunteering.
Started in 2017, THE YOUTH is a media project created by The (Y) Volunteers, the EVS team of YDCMA organization (Youth Development Centre for Mutual Aid) based in Kazanlak, Bulgaria.
We believe in:
to share ideas and good practices
to think from new angles and widen horizons
to give voice to the youth and engage them in responsible ways
to help them to develop their qualities and skills
to build our civil society values and make the world a better place

The voluntary partnership will be implemented in 3 periods: 01/01/2019 -30/06/2020; 07/01/2019 -31/12/2020; 07/01/2020 -30/01/2022
For years, our organization has used, as a support tool in its activities, to promote and disseminate the results of our projects, the youth “TheVolunteers” Newsletter, which has grown into the Youth Media “TheVolunteers”, through the creation of the Theyouth.info website.
Each week, young people have the opportunity to support and develop youth media, as an active contributor to the dissemination and impact activities of the project. This is another sustainable activity that we cover under this project, launched in 2011.
Following our philosophy, we have never relied on “one-day” projects. From 2011 till now we have three sustainable lines of work: organizing an Eco festival, a wall of volunteering, and a youth newsletter that is evolving as an online media.

At the project Green Europe, activities will be from the beginning of febuary till the end of the year 2022, and it will continue to upbuild the previous project topics as follow: “TheVolunteers” and “Mutual aid”.
Project details:
The ESC project combines media work with active work on our activities. The volunteers work as reporters and documentarists, as same as animators, or on organization of local social, educational and cultural events. We aim to promote Bulgarian cultural, historical and natural heritage; Encourage youth to be active, and improve themselves to be successful in the labor market; and promote volunteering and non-formal education.
The main activities of the volunteers will be:
- -participating in different projects such as festivals, eco and charity projects or making art installations
- -organizing events
- -traveling within Bulgaria and learning about historical places
- -recording movies, writing articles
- -maintaining the website theyouth.info
- -promoting our activities through social media